
Investments GIC

Gwani Investment Club is a programme of Gwani Software Limited aiming to offer its staff benefits of investing into private equity and on the other hand to provide capital for the company to execute commercial capital projects. The club is an avenue for staff of the company to have additional source of income from the commercial products and services of the company. The club receives different types of investment and not necessarily cash type only. Investment into the club can be done either by cash as subscriber to the private equity, in kind as in the case of computer hardware shop and intellectual as in designing software products. Investment into the club is ONLY opened to staff of the company. The followings are the available investment types in the club:

  1. Hardware Retail Bonds: - This bond is given in cash and in kind to put stocks into Gwani Computer Hardware Web Shop. The stakeholders under this bond are Bonds subscribers, web shop admin and procurement.
  2. Shared Equity Bonds: - This bonds is to raise capital to go into quarterly FX trade. Stakeholders under this bonds are shared equity desk officer who is the admin, bonds subscribers and FX traders who are selected to trade the equity.
  3. College Special Bonds: - This bond is issued to provide start-up capital for Gwani ICT College. Stakeholders under this investment are The college bonds subscriber and the company.
  4. ICT Books Investment: - This is cash and intellectual investment done to bring the publishing of of ICT book that will hekp in training programme of the company. Stakeholders here are author, sponsor and training department of the company.
  5. Normal Bonds: - This are series of bonds that are issued to provide capitals to start new business in the company. Stakeholders here are sponsors, assignors, admin and assignee (the company).
  6. Shareholding: - This where the shared capital of the company is raised. Normally, a normal bonds subscriberis selected to come onboard as shareholder and director of the company by buying shares of the company.
  7. Gwani FX Signal Bonds: Is an extension of normal bonds which raised capital fo Gwani FX Signal Portal. Additional stakeholders this bond is having are Signal Generator and account manager
Investment club is managed by Finance Unit of the company through the Debt & Corporate Treasury Manager.

Investment Types


Hardware Bonds


Shared Equity


College Bonds


Normal Bonds


College Bonds


Gwani FX


ICT Books


Shared Equity